Chhip,chip,chitter chatter…..

I have been busy all this weekend. Doing what I love most. Crochet !!!

The sound of cchip chuup, chitter chatter has been deafening and haunting me for quite a few weeks now. I could stand it no more and decided to pay heed to that call this weekend !!!

I completed crocheting naughty En after dinner today. He is saying hello to you all 🙂

He is fed up with the acorns so he relishes a nut 😉


He sure is naughty but I wonder if he can seek membership in the evil squirrel’s nest ?

6 comments on “Chhip,chip,chitter chatter…..

  1. Oh you clever thing! En is totally adorable! He really is a triumph!!! It is morning here and I shall be smiling all day! 🙂


    • Awww !! triumph you say ! my feet is no more on the ground 🙂 I am over Sydney opera house …can you see me 😉

      So happy to keep you smiling all day. This appreciation coming from a hardcore amigurumist means an Olympic gold to me !! Thank you, thank you.

      It is now 10.30 in the night and will be hitting the bed in 10 minutes. I will sleep smiling too. You made my day !!


Your comment gratifies me !